School Story:
Encina was a great school when we were there. When my family moved from Trimble Way to Woodlake I would not transfer to Norte. So Gigi Ramirez, Karen Carpenter and I carpooled to school singing to Aretha Franklin, RESPECT! I remember picking up my girlfriends in my 1957 VW with only four buttons on the radio. The one closest to me was KRAK Country the other three were rock and roll. Before they got into the car I would quick like switch to the rock so they would not know I listened to country music. I was country before country was cool. My whole family is from around Nashville, Tennessee. I was in speech class with Tom Duhain, he helped me alot in that class. I loved Mr. Thomas, History. What a nerd, I loved history. David Barnes took me out to visit the house that Joe Pattatucci(sp), Art teacher, built for his family, wow, what a great place on a land locked piece in Carmichael. So many good memories, like cutting school with Leslie Ardell and Steve Finegold to go to San Francisco. Great times.