Missing Classmates

We do not have an email address or a street address for the Classmates listed below. If you know how to contact these Classmates, please share our web address with them: 


If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site so they can update their Classmate Profile.

John Ackermann
Janey Alexander
Cathy Anderson
Tony Araujo
Diane Arend
Sue Ashley
Yvonne Axtell
Rodney Basinger
Brenda Batcha (Ryland)
Colleen Beck
Brad Beecher
Gayle Bogovich (Shapiro)
Stephan Bowling
Susan Bramwell (Howard)
Barbara Brown
Beverly Brown
Jon Brown
Michael R. Brown
John Buchanan
Edna Camarillo (Magel)
Michael Campos
Jill Carey
Charlie Carney
Phil Caterino
Mark Conrad
James Cook
Janice Coon (Stalions)
Deni Cooper (Hermann)
Gary Corbett
Steve Cottrell
Paul Crumrine
James Curry
Christine Daily
Donald DeDeaux
George Dimitriadis
Gust Dinos
Pamela Driskell
Nancy Drury
Jim Duncan
Debbie Dunn
Brian Englund
Laurel Lynn Farley
Penney Fast
Raymond Ferrari
Judy Floegel
Joanne Fong
Tom Ford
Sue Foster
Gail Fox (Naves)
Christina Freeman
Joan Freeman
Tom French
Patricia Friederichs (Kazee)
Cynthia Green
Nina Gunther
Melanee Haley
Nancy Hall
Linda Hammack
Richard Hammack
Marc Harding
Jody Hickey
Gary Hietbrink
Fred Holets
Diana Hughes
Albert Husted
Katherine Irvin
Sherry Ivey
Jeff Jackson
Randall Jacobsen
Paul Jaquith
Diane Jaramillo
Ronald Jensen
Dawn Johnson
John Johnson
Michael Johnson
Steve Johnson
Steven Johnson
Janice Jordan
Brady Keresy
David Koropp
Vicki La Course (Ticket)
Lynn Lane
Mona Langbehn
Laurie Langosch (Hoffman)
Stephen Lascelles
Lynne Lass
David Lewis
Nancy Long (Eisner)
Randall Macklin
Aileen Mann
David Martinez
Margie Martinez
Michael Matthews
Stanley McCormick
Greg McGuire
Nancy McLaughlin
Donna Meyer
Kathleen Ann Miller
Phyllis Miller
Nancy Milner
Dianna Mitchell
Kathi Molumby
Bonnie Muirhead
Evan Nesbit
Cheryl Nickle
Anita Nigh (Rodriguez)
Garner Nigh
Edward Novack
Robynne Oakley
Mike Oxbig
Kirk Parker
Larry Parker
Sandra Parker (Turnage)
Kerry Pierce
Elizabeth Plack
Charles Plagmann
Teresa Powell
Gwynne Pratt
Russ Prosser
Harry Rectenwald
Eddie Reynolds
George Richards
Margaret Risney
Crystal Roberts (Harling)
Gabriel Robles
Clifton Rogers
Aaron Romans
Jill Rosemore
Steve Santa
Victor Santa
Paul David Saucedo
Steve Scott
Wendy Sharp
Pat Slaughter
Robert Harold Smith
Robert W. Smith
James Snyder
Kathy Solus
Jon Stebbins
Vik Steele
Wendy Stoddard
David Strader
Jerri Stuto (Curradi)
Shari Swenson (McAsey)
Cathy Tatum (Hale)
Diana Templeton
David Terry
Matthew Tracy
Daniel Turk
Elizabeth Turner
Sherry Tyrone (Haskew)
Marsha Waggoner
Wagdi Michel Wahba
Sandy Waldow
Sharon Ward (Gordon)
Milo Warren
Sharon Warren
Linda Washburn (Eveland)
Martin Wilt
Joe Woodrow

Guest Members

Michael Crosby