FYI For some odd reason both my Junior and Senior pictures were left out in the yearbook. I have been sad about that over the years! I have no idea where my old pics are but I added 2 that were taken about the same time.
I graduated from Encina High School Midterm in January of 1969 so that I could attend American River College a semester before heading to BYU in the fall. My parents moved from Sacramento the summer I left for BYU... I never returned back to Sacramento until the year of our 20th Year Class Reunion.
September 2, 1971, I married Russell, (now 48 wonderful years together). After finishing school and his MBA we headed to Detroit Michigan to work for Ford Motor Company. Five of our children were born there. We lived there for 15 years. We also lived in Reno Nevada (2 years) and now Orem Utah (almost 30 years). After our youngest was in school, I taught Elementary School for almost 10 years, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades.
Recently in the past few years, Russ and I served as Missionary Coordinators in the Addiction Recovery Program for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It was a life-changing experience for us to see many miracles of wonderful men and women overcome the plague of alcohol, drugs, sexual addiction, and pornography. After finishing that assignment we volunteered to be full-time missionaries for our church. We were assigned to Kentucky to serve the people there for 1 1/2 years. It also was a most amazing experience, making many wonderful friendships with those in the back hills of the Daniel Boone National Forest. We were assigned to the town of McKee in Jackson County, Kentucky. We have been home now reconnecting with all our family having family reunions and lots of visiting around the country.